Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive-Mini Tri- Wizard Cup Replica NEW in packaging


Geek Gear Exclusive-Mini Tri- Wizard Cup Replica– NEW in packaging

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This Geek Gear Exclusive-Mini Tri- Wizard Cup Replica comes new in packaging. It is an authentic color replica of the Tri-Wizard Tournament in light blue and silver. It is made of plastic, is about 3″ in size and comes fully detailed with dragons around the cup edges and a baby dragon on the base with its tail curling up the cup. The front says ‘TRIWIZARD’. It is empty in the inside like the movie prop. Can guarantee this is not a portkey as I had to touch it to take photos. 😉

Comes in a replica Maze box with Eternal Glory printed over at the top and the cup at the center of the maze. The same maze design is found on the top of the box as well.

NEW: This is brand new and ships in original packaging

Tri-wizard Cup Size (Approx.): 3″tall

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3.25 × 2.25 × 2.25 in


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