These are new replicas from the various magical books, movies, and franchises. All replicas are NEW unless otherwise noted and come with all original packaging.
Geek Gear Exclusive-Limited Edition- Back to School- Hedwig Stuffed Replica- NEW in packaging$6.00
Magical-Replicas-Original- RARE Hallmark Keepsake ornament collection- Harry Potter and Hermione Pewter Ornament Set- DISPLAYED but in Original packaging$30.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive- Wolfsbane Potion Replica with Wolf charm — NEW in packaging$9.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive- Draught of the Living Dead Potion Replica — NEW in packaging$8.00
Magical-Replicas-Loot Crate Exclusive- Magical Mischief-Mini Book of Monsters Replica coin pouch NEW in packaging$8.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive-Mini Hogwarts Great Hall Goblet Cup Replica NEW in packaging$6.00
Magical-Replicas-Fantastic Beasts- Hedwig Stuffed Replica– NEW with tags$6.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive-Mini Tri- Wizard Cup Replica NEW in packaging$8.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive-Potions class – Draught of Living Death- Mini Cauldron Replica NEW in packaging$5.00
Magical-Replicas-Geek Gear Exclusive-Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes Sneakoscope Mini Spinning Top Replica NEW in packaging$10.00
Magical-Replicas- Geek Gear Exclusive-Replica Foe Glass– NEW in packaging$10.00
Magical-Replicas-Lootcrate Exclusive Golden Snitch trinket Box- NEW in packaging$10.00
I ship USPS Priority mail with tracking and insurance up to $50, if your purchase is more than $50, I will bill the extra insurance through PayPal. When possible, I try to re-use my subscription boxes so that others can have themed boxes as well. However, depending on the size of your purchase this may not be possible. I receive rave reviews for my packing, and I take great pride in making sure your items get safely to you. I use online retailers to determine the fair market value for each item to make sure everything is priced fairly. If you have any questions, please check out the contact page to send them my way. Again, thank you for taking the time to check out my Magical Shoppe, make sure to check back often for more items, as I will be adding them weekly as new subscription boxes arrive.
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